Miscellaneous Snippets

FOI's News Articles, Statements?

A Selection of links for to various snippets

We are, 'One Levenshulme & Co' and we are a group of residents from Levenshulme and Burnage who are extremely concerned about the current active neighbourhood trial in Levenshulme.

We don't think that a trial that is based on roadblocks can work, nor do we think it is working. Diverting traffic from quiet residential roads to already busy residential roads is not the answer to the problems we face with traffic levels in Levenshulme. We believe that we should be trying to reduce air pollution on our busiest residential roads, and not implementing projects which can make a bad situation even worse. This isn't fair on those affected residents.

We want more for Levenshulme than Roadblocks.

We're doing everything we can, but it's not enough. we need you to contact your councillors and tell them that this is not acceptable and that you deserve better.

Here are some links to images shared by residents up and down the country who are facing similar issues to you in their own communities

We need your help to prevent this fundamentally flawed scheme being expanded throughout Levenshulme. To instead, force the council to make changes in Levenshulme that matter and make a real difference for the better. Changes that will genuinely help people walk more and cycle more. We want to do this by focussing on fixing the problems we have in Levenshulme rather than causing more. If you share our view, we want you to contact your councillors, as we can only do this if the councillors have a fair understanding of the level of opposition to the current plans, and currently, they argue full support for the scheme from the majority of residents.

We don't think the council have engaged with the community sufficiently to be able to make such a judgement, and we want everybody to be able to have their say.

There are alternatives to roadblocks.

Contact your Councillor and tell them that rather than simply blocking all the roads you want to see: