Phase 2 Final Plans Overview
Latest Plans Include:
- Alma Park - The proposed bollards and trees have been removed from the plan as new bollards have recently been installed. A raised table north of zebra crossing has also been removed because it affected access to private driveways
- Errwood Road - Other Designs
- Chapel Street - Stop and Give Way signs have been removed from plans as they were close to chicanes and may have caused queueing traffic. Also, one proposed chicane has been removed
- Moseley Road / Slade Lane - the original 'cyclops' (cycle optimised) junction has been changed to a simpler pedestrian puffin crossing (with signal lights on the same side of the road as the user, and a sensor which detects pedestrians waiting) as a result of feedback, and limited space at the junction. A 'pocket park' and seating area is currently being considered as part of detailed design.
- Arcadia A4 (including Crescent) - MCC are creating a two-way cycleway on the west side of Stockport Road, between the proposed toucan crossing (which allows cyclists and pedestrians to cross at the same time but separately) and The Crescent. This creates a safer link to the wider area via the tunnel under the railway lines. This will mean the removal of around six parking spaces on the west side of Stockport Road.
- Crayfield Road / Marley Roadthe turning on Crayfield Road with Broom Lane will be changed to slow down turning vehicles by building out the footway to make it 'tighter'.
- Burnage Lane / Grangethorpe Drive - The proposed cyclops (cycle optimised) junction has changed to a simpler pedestrian puffin crossing (with signal lights on the same side of the road as the user, and a sensor which detects pedestrians waiting) as a result of consultation feedback and limited space
- Linden Park / Millwain Road - MCC Claim Further local consultation was carried out with Linden Park and Milwain Road residents, to get more detailed views on the revised filter design from people who would be most affected.
- Linden Park - double yellow lines are still required outside seven properties due to the lack of side roads for vehicles to manoeuvre safely. A drop-down bollard has been added to ensure access for waste collection and emergency services.
- Millwain Road - following feedback from residents, MCC reviewed proposals and removed the double yellow lines, given that side roads (i.e., Hilbre Road and Kempton Road) offer vehicles the opportunity to perform turning manoeuvres.